A Woman's Place will not be silent
Thu 4 Apr 2024 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM BST
Online, Zoom
A Woman's Place will not be silent #WPUKCleveland
Uncovering the legacy of the Cleveland Child Sex Abuse Scandal
We invite you to join Beatrix Campbell & Rahila Gupta in conversation about Beatrix's latest book Secrets and Silence- uncovering the legacy of the Cleveland Child Sex Abuse Scandal.
The child sexual abuse scandal in the English county of Cleveland in the 1980s was a defining moment but not the scandal we were led to believe it was.
Acclaimed journalist Beatrix Campbell has uncovered government documents that show how medical evidence of childhood rape identified by pioneering paediatricians was deemed credible but ‘dangerous’ – it was more important to save money than save children.
This book reveals how this secret has framed policy making and public opinion and the consequences it has had for children, professionals, justice and the state.
The Cleveland children have remained in the shadows. Now, for the first time, a Cleveland child delves into her records and shares her story.
Please join us for a frank and revealing discussion with an opportunity to ask your questions!
"A significant milestone in national and global narratives on child sexual abuse ... offers much needed insight whilst the nation's Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse carries out its work.... a game changer" Natasha Phillips, Researching Reform
"Will ignite new debates and change perspectives: it insists through presenting new evidence that we consider whether this was a deliberate 'cover up' and whether the doctors were right in their diagnoses." Liz Kelly, London Metropolitan University
Who are Woman's Place UK?
We are a group of women from a range of backgrounds including trade unions, women’s organisations, academia and the NHS. We are united by our belief that women’s hard won rights must be defended.
We started Woman’s Place UK in September 2017 to ensure women’s voices would be heard in the consultation on proposals to change the Gender Recognition Act. Since then our campaign has evolved into a broader women’s rights campaign.
We have organised 31 public meetings, 11 webinars and two conferences. These events have been hugely popular with over 15,000 tickets booked. We were winner of the Emma Humphreys Memorial Award 2018, and one of our founders, Kiri Tunks has been awarded the NEU’s Annie Higdon Award.
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